If you’re like King Arthur and looking for a good longsword, the Denix Excalibur Sword presents a believable appearance and the solid feel of a real weapon. In this version of Excalibur, you’ll find authentic styling appropriate to Arthur’s Britain with some concessions to the modern world as well.
Fittings include a cross-guard and wheel pommel of solid cast brass as well as a functional grip of wrapped steel wire. The sword’s sheath also features fittings of brass as well as a simulated leather covering. Decorations on fittings range from twin lions to winged dragons, plus a shield on the scabbard bearing the words “King Arthur” and “Excalibur.” I’m a little disappointed to see modern English instead of mystical runes or language appropriate to the period, but I think the overall quality of this longsword compensates for that oversight. Most modern Excalibur swords aren’t made this well.
When Denix S.A. first incorporated in 1978, the two founders focused on souvenirs and costume jewelry but soon found a place as makers of fine reproductions of antique firearms and blades. From their current factory in Spain, Denix now produces about 500 different items including fantasy weapons and period pieces. Denix weapons are rated for both display and costume wear. The Excalibur sword was not intended for sparring or cutting practice, and its edge is polished but not sharpened. Denix uses Zamak — a die-cast alloy made from zinc and aluminum — for all their blades. Though the sword isn’t combat quality, this weapon could still do damage.
For a matching dagger from Denix made to honor King Arthur’s Carnwennan, see the Denix King Arthur Dagger.